Tuesday, February 26, 2008

First Discussion!

Today my group met up in the morning.
We listened to each others selected fable stories and decided to use Tina's idea.
we consulted yoke ee about our ideas. but she says its too boring... hence, we changed into more explorations! =D

Structure of the initial idea is jus like our final idea... but instead of using humans, we will merge with graphics and more funny things... like......... animal heads. HAHA!

Here are a list of animal costumes that we are able to rent.
Link : http://www.costumes-mascots.com/rentalcostumelist.html


but if the total rent is out of our budget, we might not be able to rent all. Maybe the main characters will be using the real animal head costumes. the rest can be masks.

here are some examples of the costumes we are talking about...

*lion costumes
this one is damn cute! but not sure if we able to find something like this not...

i guess most prob we will be getting this kind instead...

*Chicken costumes

this is so fluffy! so adorable... but dun think can get it too....

but maybe something as ugly as this.... =(

*duck costume

this one super cute. imagine our talent wear like that... HAHA!

but i think this is something quite close to what we getting....

*tortoise/squirrel costume

something like the tortoise costume, but we haven decided to use tortoise or squirrel.

squirrel costume. sorry image too small...

*mouse costume

example like that, but not mickey or minnie. haha.

*gorilla costume

hopefully we can get something like tt.... and.......

not this of course!

*cat costume

something like that. but this one looks like a cow to me. LOL.


examples of masks.


it should look something like this....

this one looks cheerful...

this one look like some japanese ghost mask.......

and this one looks fluffy.....

i think i'll go for the cheerful one. HA!



hopefully can find something like that. nicer.


this one looks DAMN SCARY. i cant afford to scare my audience........ *yucks*

i like this one the most. so fluffy~

i think when wore it will be something like that...


this one looks abit scary though..........


Characters involved are :

*Cavin, close friend of Luke - will be wearing the chicken head

*Darren, a volunteer, friend of Cavin -
will be wearing the duck head

*Luke, gangster looking like guy, friend of Cavin -
will be wearing the lion head

*Luke's mum -
will be wearing the cat head

*old man whom Luke has been taking care of -
will be wearing the gorilla head

*lost child that Luke helped before -
will be wearing the squirrel or tortise head

*guy that running away from Luke -
will be wearing the mouse head

the animal characters beside the different characters are the costumes we wanna rent, however we will be using only the costume heads.

discussion points:
*story lines
*go borrow the tattoo sock frm WESLEY!

Structure of the final idea :

1. graphics with duck and chicken head silhouettes with talking bubbles in their animal language.

2. transition into the reality with talents wearing the animal head.

3. CU of the talents head, zoom out to LS of both talents walking in each individual weird way.

4. both talents chatting and lion talent came in, pass something to chicken talent and walk off.

5. duck talent ask chicken talent why his fren is a gangster.

6. chicken talent tell the different incidents he had with the lion talent. (flash back)

7. graphic of small squirrel talent jumps in frame, turn head to see where she is with a ? , then wail very loudly.

8. transition to real life bus stop with squirrel talent crying, lion talent enters, look fierce. squirrel talent look scared and shaken by lion's loud roar.

9. chicken talent saw, tot lion talent wanna harm the squirrel, wanna go forward and helped, but jus den lion talent give a big lollipop to squirrel talent and coax her not to cry.

10. chicken talent saw everything, nods and walk away.

11. transition of another scene, class room. heard frm frog teacher (weebit). chicken talent being scolded and pushed. (dog scolding) chicken talent head down and sad.

12. lion talent in class one corner saw everything but walk off.

13. at nite, lion talent sitting at void deck waiting for chicken talent to come back. chicken enters dragging feet. lion called chicken to sit down with him, they chatted.

14. zoom out to ELS of them talking at void deck. then they become good friends.

15. another day, chicken talent saw lion talent rushing off.
VO: one period of time, lion keep on rushing off after class, and always look so tired. then i know that his family was having some financial difficulties and he need to work part time in order to earn money.

16. lion taking night jobs, carrying heavy stuffs, sweeping the floor, working at construction side.

17. transition to lion give money to cat mum.
VO: and he managed to earn a sum of money to settle his problem.

18. back to duck and chicken talking. both bid farewell.

19. another day, duck went to a old man house for volunteering and saw a gangster like person trying to open the door of the old man house and shouted : WHAT ARE YOU DOING!

20. lion turned, looking puzzled and saw duck running towards him. duck recognized its chicken fren and said : ITS YOU AR?

21. lion looking puzzled but went in straight to the house. greet the gorilla old man, start to clean the house. duck saw how lion care for the gorilla old man.

22. transition to lion come out of the lift, the mouse talent dropped his wallet, lion saw, and roar.

23. mouse turned, and run.

24. lion finally catch with mouse, and return his wallet. mouse look at lion with a puzzled look.

25. end off with the slogan.

Not everything you see is what it appears to be.

*pls note that all will be in animal language. but with feelings one....
so no need for audio! YAY~

had to do storyboard now. but my drawing sux. omg~

HOW?! i think i still must draw some crap out... shit... =X

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