Monday, February 25, 2008

First Day of Project 2!

This morning was the joint project briefing for MOI P2.

We are required to select a story that we like individually first.
Hence, i chose this story....

link :

The Oxen and the Axle-Trees

A HEAVY WAGON was being dragged along a country lane by a team of
Oxen. The Axle-trees groaned and creaked terribly; whereupon the
Oxen, turning round, thus addressed the wheels: "Hullo there! why
do you make so much noise? We bear all the labor, and we, not
you, ought to cry out."

Those who suffer most cry out the least.

this story is so true. i feel so much after reading this story. words cant describe the feelings i had now after reading the moral of the story.

ok. i should start thinking different storylines now. =D

ideas brainstorming :
*a mother and daughter relationship where the mum is the one who suffers the most.
*a sick person will not want their family members to be worried over him...

cant think of anything now... hehe.

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