Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Productions starts!

Day 01 - 03 March 08

As i have something personal and important on in the morning, our initial plan for production to start this morning had push to the night time so i can help out in the production.

Tina and the others went to school at about 3pm to loan equipments and to prepare props.
On Fri 29 Feb, i went concourse with Tina to search for the mask but in vain. We only managed to get the Lion mask which cost abt $4. Then we went over to Bras besah complex but we missed our stop so we had to walk one big round back to bugis. Long walk!

so assigned task for me is to find talents and to do the props. but due to personal reasons i was not able to carry out the task efficiently so Tina had to help me solved the problem of both talents and props.

Hard on you guys. SO sorry.
anyway, here are some photos of our day 01 night shoot.

we had to buy a kind of convertor plug for this socket cos its round headed!
it cost us $5 for that kind of plug. had to buy or else wont hav lighting.

tts me with the chicken mask. testing out to see if can see the mouth not.

and half way of our production, it drizzles. so had to use umbrella.

day 01 was rather tiring as lighting is a big big problem and we cant managed to find the correct lighting we want. However i guess we did tried our best to make it less grainy. Hopefully it turns out well in the com after we digitise.

Day 02 - 04 march 08

today's shoot is mostly outdoor (indoor) shoot. sounds abit confusing but u get what i mean.
Venue : void deck

we had a bit of problems shooting at the lift. keep having people wanting to go up.
and had to re do most of the time.
rizwan had to be the lift man for some time as one of the shot the camera has to be in the lift. =D

and guess what...

OUR TALENT FELL! while chasing the mouse, he fell cos the mask was like so difficult for him to see... POOR boy... so sorry...

im trying my best to cut as many holes as possible for him to be able to see properly with the mask.


ok this position abit wrong but we are trying to shoot the POV of the lion...

and both of them had to half squat like this so can shoot the POV of the mouse...

Finally we are done. had to let our talent to go home rest cos he has too many bruises already...
Tina and I felt super guilty of not taking good care of our talents. He still can say its ok man.

Day 03 - 05 March 08,

the day i became a MOTHER cat. =.=

we met up early in the morning to go over the bus stop for shooting.

we start off the chicken first, another poor thing had to walk like dont know how many times...

we had to use hp to communicate as the camera is gonna be opposite of the location.

our squirrel talent!

too bad we cant use dolly. i had to manually do it. like this.

Tina keep laughing la... look at her face.

Now is my turn to act liao........
was trying my best not to laugh and quickly finish this shot.
after that we went for a LONG lunch break as one of our talent needs to go off for his driving test.
it drizzles straight after we packed up. LUCKY US!

then we proceed to Tina's friend house for shooting.

Rizwan as the old man.

and half way through the shoot, he fell asleep!
see how tired we are........

As today's the last day of shooting for the Duck talent, we had some photo shooting..

the 3 main talents. *nice guys*

with our director, MISS TINA CHUA... all her frens ma... haha.

US. *tina insist of wearing the tattoo sock when taking photo.*

US with the mask. and YES, that orange mask is mine...... i had to move my mouth when shooting as it can be seen. oh wells, at least it turns out ok. hehe.

Just nice 7 people = 7 masks.

tml last day of production! hopefully NO NEED RE SHOOT!
time to hit my fluffy pillows. *big smile*

Just something happy to share..........

my beloved young adult cat Ginger jus meowed at
my msn display pic when i was talking
to my bf (who is at home holding on the cat) online.
i think she misses me. SO MUCH.
she is so so so cute....

i miss her too. haven seen her for a week. =(
but i feel so happy that she meowed at my pic. hee.

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